Sunday 11 October 2009

Parallel Universes

Investors diametrically opposed views on everything in the markets from growth prospects, inflationary fears and deflationary pressures are all causing simultaneous rises in assets.

Since March, we have witnessed a surge in the equities markets. Oil,gold, commodities are rising in antipation of a global recovery. On the other hand, bond yields are falling steadily and reports of US mutual funds are increasing net inflows to fixed income funds. In the world of forex, Australian and Brazilian currencies are reflecting the increase in risk appetite and yet Japanese Yen and gold typically reflecting a safe haven currency are at record highs.

The markets have been reflecting the inconsistent economic data with rising unemployment and recovering growth.

With a strong boost provided by Alcoa earnings, over the next few weeks, US companies is likely to announce strong earnings supported by exports and continued cost cuts, but inability to demonstrate revenue growth may result in a fall in momentum leading to a reality check for investors.

Eric Tan

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