Wednesday 28 October 2009

Domino effects. Markets for the week 30-Oct-09

In the last 3 days, global stock markets corrected with the announcement of ING's breakup. As Brussels set the stage for regulating banks which received massive government help during the crisis, other banking groups are reeling from investor's fright of a domino effect on the sector.

The lessons learnt from giant financial groups to the likes of AIG, Citigroup - too big to succeed, impossible to run and too big to fail are becoming the nightmares of regulators who are entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining market stability and preventing systemic risks.

At the height of the crisis, governments had to approve mega consolidations of banks such as Lloyds and HBOS or JPM and BearStearns. This is probably sowing the seeds of new crises unless regulation is revamped.

With poor economic data released this week, optimism for the future is low. So, investors will have to sit tight as it seems like the next few weeks will be a rough ride.

Eric Tan,

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